We would like to invite all former players, coaches and friends and family to a reception before the ceremony from 4-5:30 at the North entrance. Please come say hi and share your memories of Coach Thompson!
Read Erik's personal thoughts on his diagnosis, and leave him with a treasured memory.
Thank you to everyone who helped the Thompson’s get to Japan! It was a trip they’ll never forget.
Support Coach T and his family AND look fabulous doing it from The Ogden T Room!
100% of the proceeds from everything in the Thompson Tough Collection will go to Erik!
We are gathering memories of Erik. Please submit your memory HERE. Erik and his family will treasure these.
If you’re interested in donating miles, an experience, hosting a fundraiser, or offering your services to Erik, please contact us. We’re grateful for so much help the community is pouring into his family.
All proceeds from our efforts are donated directly to Erik Thompson and his family.